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Emergency Room

Emergency Room

Over the past few decades, contemporary fashion has shifted from a system that obstinately aspires to predict the future, nurtured by cyclical recurrance of wisftul elements of the past – leaving us always somewhere in between-, to a much more present-oriented one.
Beirut-based brand Emergency Room is a consistent specimen of the relevance in that phenomenon.
In an almost chemical process of articulating - and detouring - timeless sartorial icons, pop symbols, everyday-imaginaire signs and ethnic elements, the brand blazingly concocts a node of different elements that seem to almost beg for one another.
With a strong – and much appreciated – engagement to sustainable upcycling in their one-of-a-kind sly pieces, they also account for ethical values in their production.
The results of such cunning efforts are awkwardly ravishing, ironically humorous, somewhat romantic, and yet rebellious.
As the brand shrewdly rehabilitates amusing pop symbols, sartolial emblems and regional elements – always devoid of any anchorage in literalness – they amass an idyllic narrative of their perception on contemporaneity.
Even though their language is highly experimental, their looks are never without meticulousness in their finishings. Knitted masks, embroidered harnesses, boxing gloves, stuffed animal masks and beeded caps grant a sophisticated sense of wrapped-ness and enclosure.
From humourous prints to deconstructed white shirts, Emergency Room accomplishes a look that is both delicately defiant, seriously droll and unbiasedly maudlin.
Pedro Milanezi

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